
The Sapphire Moon Rising Industrial Dance show is a continuation as well as an evolution from years past. The emotion, action, comedy, and beauty that you have come to expect from a Moon show is once again present in this year's offering. We also have something else this year: we've de-emphasized the fashion in favor of the dance. Clothes are giving way to more movement and expression. We're really excited about what we've been able to put together this year, and hope that you come out to enjoy it.

When: April 1, 2, 8, 9 at 8pm
Where: World Rhythm and Motion Studio, 150 South St. SLO, on the corner of South and Parker.
Why: A benefit for the Central Coast Parkinson Support Group--Follies
Tickets: $10 pre-sale, $15 at the door. Tickets available at California Blonde and by calling (805) 544-3474

Sponsored by:
Wordly Rhythm and Motion Studio

Girl on the Moon

Sapphire Moon Revisited 2-DVD set on sale!

Sapphire Moon DVDs are on sale now! The 2-DVD set has one act per DVD and is packed full of wonder and amazement. If you loved the show, then don't miss out on this limited $15 introductory price!

Bonus features include:

  • Stills gallery.
  • Stereo audio track.
  • Surround sound audio track with the CD audio in front, and the camera
  • audio (with audience clapping/reactions) in back.
  • Alternate version of Superhero.

Right-click to download a video clip (39MB).

Ordering Info:
Checks can be made out to:
Mike Rutter
1591 Royal Way
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

Please include a return address and phone number so that shipping or drop off can be arranged. Please include $3.00 for shipping for the first set, and $0.50 for each additional set. Thank you for your support!


"Unlike the accepted style of fashion showcases employing a runway and slinky models, 'Sapphire Moon' is an evening of musical theater complete with dances, songs and emotion."
--Times Press Recorder

"Cirque du Soleil without the million-dollar budget!"
--Mustang Daily

© 2005 Sapphire Moon