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     The staff of Emerald Moon Rising is proud to support the AIDS Support Network of San Luis Obispo County. SLO ASN, a United Way Partner Agency, was founded in 1984 by a small group of San Luis Obispo County residents as a grassroots response to the AIDS pandemic. Fourteen years later, ASN remains the only community based, nonprofit organization located in SLO County that provides practical, emotional and financial support to residents living with HIV disease and AIDS, their families and friends.

     The ASN staff consists of three full-time and three part-time members who work closely with volunteers in coordinating client services and AIDS awareness outreach events. Supported by a large base of over 150 volunteers, the agency strives to improve the quality of life and independence of its clients by providing support on an individual basis. ASN volunteers log between 1250 and 1400 hours per month in assisting clients, running the office and fundraising activities.

     More information is available at www.asn.org.




© Emerald Moon 2001